The L'AMARUE Story


Our made-up word to describe a way of living that starts from the heart.

When we are comfortable in our own skin, we have the courage and the confidence to live the life we know we are meant to live. That’s what we’re here to give you.

Feeling comfortable in your own skin, at its deepest level is what “heart to heart” is all about. Getting to the essence, the root of who you are, and celebrating it without apology. You deserve to feel this love from the outside, too.

Our miraculous and deceptively cute Heart to Heart Complex® is our proprietary blend of the natural compound diindolylmethane 3’3 (aka DIM), most often found in leafy greens like kale. We wanted to share our journey to discovering this compound, and the liberation we felt once we did, with you, so you can feel the most centered self too.

We believe daily skincare cherish our outside and inside, and every ingredient should elevate the most un-self conscious, unpretentious love we have for ourselves. Think of our products as the “perfect jeans and white t-shirt” of skincare.

For: You.

Like a best friend – products that are unconditionally reliable and trusted. Our products are your go-to’s for skin issues that crop up or even the most chronic complaints. We’re here with a simpler and better care that’s clean and natural, and brings out the quintessential you, all the time. Being your best you starts with loving the skin your in.

Our Heart to Heart Complex® is unassuming but potent. We pioneered a new way for your skin’s cells to better communicate with each other, no matter what’s happening a few layers up.

Your skin wants to be healthy. We give your skin its most unobstructed radiance, so your natural essence is your first impression – always.  

Our Anti-Ethos

We aren’t here to make you feel self-conscious so we can sell you more product. We don’t think you need product to glow; we think you already have it.  

Beauty comes when the best of you shines, simply. Come with us, and find your “heart to heart” self from the inside out.

Our Story

From Nicole and Ande
Mother and Daughter, and Co-Founders

L'AMARUE was founded after years of research into the role of inflammation in our personal chronic health issues. We discovered the key to our Heart to Heart Complex®, the miraculous natural compound diindolylmethane 3’3 (aka DIM), while delving into natural treatments for endometriosis and other tricky hormonally-related issues.

After seeing the effect it had on both of our skin wants and needs, from anti-aging and acne to rosacea and KP, we were not only shocked that this wasn’t being used in everything, but more importantly – we felt like our real selves, free of the things that interfered with that feeling. That’s where L'AMARUE began.

We wanted to make products that encapsulated that feeling we had when we realized how it felt to feel like our natural selves at their very best. So, we set out to get it done. We spent more than a year of R&D to craft the formulations for our core three products: The Eye Cream, The Face Cream, and The Body Cream. For each product, we made sure it ticked the following boxes: life-simplifying; familiar; warm but elegant; works for everything, and works so well.

The result is three products that are not only more effective than everything else out there, but are simple, personal, unconditional, and that can live your whole life with you. Our first core products officially entered the world in December of 2019.

Since then, we’ve been lucky enough to welcome tens of thousands of people into our family, and our “cute pink” patent-pending Heart to Heart Complex® has now helped address over 50 different skin conditions (and counting!). We can’t wait to keep growing the L'AMARUE family, develop new groundbreaking products, and help everyone feel like a natural, one tube at a time 💙


Our made-up word to describe a way of living that starts from the heart.

When we are comfortable in our own skin, we have the courage and the confidence to live the life we know we are meant to live. That’s what we’re here to give you.

Feeling comfortable in your own skin, at its deepest level is what “heart to heart” is all about. Getting to the essence, the root of who you are, and celebrating it without apology. You deserve to feel this love from the outside, too.

Our miraculous and deceptively cute Heart to Heart Complex® is our proprietary blend of the natural compound diindolylmethane 3’3 (aka DIM), most often found in leafy greens like kale. We wanted to share our journey to discovering this compound, and the liberation we felt once we did, with you, so you can feel the most centered self too.

We believe daily skincare cherish our outside and inside and every ingredient should elevate the most unselfconscious, unpretentious love we have for ourselves. Think of our products as the “perfect jeans and white t-shirt” of skincare.

For: You.

Like a best friend – products that are unconditionally reliable and trusted. Our products are your go-to’s for skin issues that crop up or even the most chronic complaints. We’re here with a simpler and better care that’s clean and natural, and brings out the quintessential you, all the time. Being your best you starts with loving the skin your in.

Our Heart to Heart Complex® is unassuming but potent. We pioneered a new way for your skin’s cells to better communicate with each other, no matter what’s happening a few layers up.

Your skin wants to be healthy. We give your skin its most unobstructed radiance, so your natural essence is your first impression – always.  

Our Anti-Ethos

We aren’t here to make you feel self-conscious so we can sell you more product.
We don’t think you need product to glow; we think you already have it.

Beauty comes when the best of you shines, simply.
Come with us, and find your “heart to heart” self from the inside out.

Our Story

From Nicole and Ande
Mother and Daughter, and Co-Founders

L'AMARUE was founded after years of research into the role of inflammation in our personal chronic health issues. We discovered the key to our Heart to Heart Complex®, the miraculous natural compound diindolylmethane 3’3 (aka DIM), while delving into natural treatments for endometriosis and other tricky hormone-related issues. After seeing the effect it had on both of our skin wants and needs, from anti-aging and acne to rosacea and KP, we were not only shocked that this wasn’t being used in everything, but more importantly – we felt like our real selves, free of the things that interfered with that feeling. That’s where L'AMARUE began.

We wanted to make products that encapsulated that feeling we had when we realized how it felt to feel like our natural selves at their very best. So, we set out to get it done. We spent more than a year of R&D to craft the formulations for our core three products: The Eye Cream, The Face Cream, and The Body Cream. For each product, we made sure it ticked the following boxes: life-simplifying; familiar; warm but elegant; works for everything, and works so well.

The result is three products that are not only more effective than everything else out there, but are simple, personal, unconditional, and that can live your whole life with you. Our first core products officially entered the world in December of 2019.

Since then, we’ve been lucky enough to welcome tens of thousands of people into our family, and our “cute pink” patent-pending Heart to Heart Complex® has now helped address over 50 different skin conditions (and counting!). We can’t wait to keep growing the L'AMARUE family, develop new groundbreaking products, and helping everyone feel like a natural, one tube at a time 💙

Even our emails love you.

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